Just Saying ~ June 27th

good heart

“When you have a good heart: You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. You love too much. And it always seems like you’re the one who gets hurt the most.”

18 thoughts on “Just Saying ~ June 27th

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      • I centainly what to be on the right side with God and learn from my mistake’s. I don’t want to know what life is like without him. Hell, I wouldn’t be alive right now. 🙂


      • I hear you. You’ve been thru some deep shit lately. I know it will pass and you will come out on top. There is on;y man to walk this earth who was not a sinner, we a;; sin, it’s the degrees and remorse that God looks at. In my mind anyway. You are a blessed person, you have your life, freedom from abuse and you wonderful son. As I reminded last weekend, God never said we would not suffer on earth. He let us in on the reward for still believing. 🙂


      • Even my faith is starting to flay. I try, I really do, but I am exhausted from it all. Yes, I am blessed with my son. I love him to bits. I need negativity to just leave me alone.


      • It must be hard, you’ve still have so much on your shoulders, We’re lucky because he knows what in our heart. We never know how long they will last,I often ask myself that question. Even when I feel broken and feel I’ve lost touch I still cry out for help. I know he heres me, it’s not my time to understand the why of the situation, No one is stronger than you and you have everything to live for in the little face. All you can do is the best you can. 🙂


      • I will write a post alloy what’s bothering me. Something which has, developed over the part couple of weeks, but came to head yesterday. I don’t know when, but I will. Thank you for the positive words. I really appreciate it. xx


      • I’ll pray for you and know when you can get the venum out of your system the better you feel. No matter how small do something special for yourself. Even taking a long bath and some good smelling lotion will lift your spirit. Take care. 🙂


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